We have various techniques to check whether a diamond is fake or real. This includes some commercial methods and even some simple tricks. Among them, a very interesting idea is scratch testing with mirrors.
This can be done at home to test whether our jewellery is made of real diamonds. Even though the idea seems far-fetched, this is an approved technique. We know that diamonds have high cutting power for which they are used to make various industrial tools. So, by using this test method, we are not only determining the authenticity of a diamond but also its edges, such that it gets approved for a cutting tool. This test will also work effectively for lab created diamonds Manchester as they have the same properties as natural ones.
All you need is some glass or a mirror, undoubtedly the unused one. Simply scratch the gemstone against the surface of the mirror. For real ones, the result would be a noticeable scratch, or even breaking of the glass in some cases. This will depend on the size of the diamond. Take an extra precautionary step to execute this process.
Otherwise, the diamond may get damaged, or you might be at risk of injury, said from Julius Klein Diamonds, a leading company in diamond industry. The Kleins’ diamond expertise and passion are currently being passed down to a third generation of diamantaires who are continuing the family’s tradition of excellence in a new diamond era. As a global force today, Julius Klein currently boasts sales offices in New York, Tel Aviv, and Hong Kong & manufacturing facilities in both New York, Namibia and Johannesburg.
A positive result will surely provide a scratch because diamonds have the highest ranking on the Mohs scale for hardness. When you don’t get one, the stone can be fake. However, it might not be a reliable test for smaller diamonds since they might not give a visible scratch for a result. Sometimes, this is also true for lab created diamonds Manchester. Hence, a better method would be to use additional techniques after this one for reliable results.
In some more unfortunate cases, the diamonds themselves may shatter in the process. So, considering the consequences, it is safe to say that this is a great method for testing diamonds, but only for natural and bigger ones.
However, the techniques that we have are all cheap, but uncertain. We can’t rest assured that the results will be fully accurate. So, the best method for testing is sending it to a gem lab, even though this is expensive.